Tips for Trippers

Camp fires
Campfires add a certain charm to any canoe trip. They do cause environmental damage and should be used sparingly with safeguards to reduce their impact. Fires should always be no larger than necessary for the purpose.

Wet rocks and fires are dangerous. Some porous rocks like limestone can absorb water which gets trapped in air pockets with the rock. As the rock heats up, the trapped water will turn to steam and exert tremendous pressure. This can cause a rock to burst apart with explosive force. You shouldn't pull rocks from the river or lake to use in a fire ring.

Hardwoods like maple and oak are excellent when available. They burn a long time, produce excellent coals for cooking and don't generate a lot of sparks or ash. Softwoods like cedar usually burn quicker, but are easier to start.

There are three categories of fuel needed for a fire: Tinder, very small highly flamable materials used to start the fire, Kindling, small, thin sticks to generate flames after the tinder has caught, and finally Firewood, the stick and logs used to keep the fire going.

An excellent source for firewood is to look under the canopy of a mature hardwood forest. Saplings here usually grow tall and thin with few branches. These saplings often die from lack of light and once dead, they will air dry and season standing straight up. The bases often decompose and the tree is often very easy to push over so you don't have to leave a saw mark in the forest.

A good way to start fires in the wind is to look for a birch limb that's been lying on the ground for a while. The bark will still be in good condition, but the insides will be rotten enough that they can be knocked out easily. Hollow out a chunk of bark about the size of your clenched fist. Put this in your fire pit in an upright position, proping up the bottom a bit to let air in. Fill this "chimney" with tinider and light it from underneath. The bark tube will protect the tinder from wind and once the tinder heats up, it will ignite the bark, making it easier to start your kindling.

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