Tips for Trippers

Keeping cheese on long trips

There are a number of ways to keep cheese in good condition for long trips, but here's what's worked best for us.

You'll need a frost-free refrigerator with some space available and a vacuum bag sealing device.

Cut a cheese block into slabs about as thick as your thumb. Separate the slabs with some air space between them on a cookie sheet or similar, and place them in the middle shelf of a frost-free refrigerator. The temperatures inside the fridge will keep the cheese from spoiling while the fan inside the fridge will remove the moisture from the cheese, much like a dehydrator does for other foods. After a day or two, you can remove the cheese and seal it inside a vacuum sealing device. If you've managed to removed most of the moisture and oxygen, the cheese can survive a month or more on a trip.

Covering the cheese by melting paraffin wax over top can do the trick if you don't have access to a vacuum sealer, but the vacuum sealer is better and can be used for a number of other things as well. Don't scrimp on the vacuum device, get a good one.


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