The Thelon River ~ The Barrenlands

The following photos are screen shots from the TV program Arctic Sanctuary which was produced as part of the series Canadian Wilderness Journal and Profiles of Nature. The show is a documentary I shot to produce this program. It has aired on the Family Channel and the Global TV network.

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There is nothing that can compare to the vastness of an arctic sky. On the few windless days that we had, it seemed we were surrounded by distance. The lack of haze made it seem as though you could see forever.

This bull caribou seemed to be resting and escaping from the bugs. He let us get quite close.

To get out of the wind, we often had to resort to make-shift shelters. Pots would take forever to boil without this shelter. It was imperative to tie the canoes or weigh them down with lots of rocks anytime we weren't in them. The wind could pick up at a moments notice.

Five-year-old Brendan helping out with meal preparation. All the youngsters were equal partners in the adventure. Each did their best to pull their own weight and assist with as many campground chores as possible.

One lunch stop was spectacular because several thousand caribou walked by the beach we stopped at. It took quite a while before the herd passed our lunch stop. We ate a modified menu because the caribou were walking between us and the canoes, so we had to wait till they passed before we could get back to the lunch bag.

A baby Caribou. Even though the youngsters were only weeks old, they were able to easily keep up with the herds. This youngster was quite curious about us and stayed to watch for so long, that he had to run to catch up to mom.
